Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Insulation Complete, Ready for Drywall

On Monday the front and back sides of the house were insulated with spray foam.  Today, insulation was installed above the second floor ceiling as well as in the wall on the south side.  We insulated this wall more for a sound barrier and did not feel that this was neccesary with the 3+ coarses of brick there are for the north wall.  Drywall is scheduled to start tomorrow.  I think the house will start to look more complete in the next week.  Work also completed since the last post was a new plywood subfloor on the 1st floor.  The house looks alot better with this completed.  They also built the frame for the back deck since the old gas service was disconnected and the gas pipes in the backyard were removed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, progress looks fantastic. You are definitely going to have an energy efficient house. I can't wait to see it in person!
